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I’ll tell you no lies Page 12

  Just at the time Jayne and Steph were discussing the modelling game Lucy was being chatted up by someone in the VIP lounge. She didn’t know who he was but she was fine with it, she knew the guy, whoever he was, had no chance but he obviously thought otherwise.

  What a boring tosser this guy is. Let’s lose him, Lucy.

  What’s wrong we’re only talking, it’s not like he’s got his hands all over me.

  Give him a chance and he’ll try to be there, just watch his eyes, he wouldn’t need asking twice.

  Sally-Anne, I think it’s fair to say that very few men in this place would need asking twice. My beauty your brains remember? I can’t help it if god made me look this good, and if you’ve got it why not use it?

  The conversation soon fizzled out, he could obviously sense he was getting nowhere with Lucy. He cut the conversational tether and disappeared, there was something about her that scared him anyway, something in her eyes, he couldn’t put his finger on it but his brain was telling him to back off. Matt Daniels would never know it but his senses had been on high alert that night, his defence had done him proud.

  John then came over and asked her what Matt Daniels’ chat up technique had been like.

  “Matt who?” said Lucy

  Matt who?

  “Matt Daniels… Manchester united… England… Oh forget it.” said John, “I’ve just remembered you wouldn’t know who he is, you are a woman after all’s said and done, you wouldn’t know anything about the beautiful game. If only dad could see you now though, he’d be so proud, his daughter being chatted up by one of the Manchester United living legends.”

  Lucy then realised that John had called her a woman. She was no longer his little sister. She’d been chatted up by Matt Daniels, whoever he was, and she did now feel mature enough to be called a woman, in her own mind she was a woman, no longer a girl. She’d grown up on her birthday by realising her position on the ladder of womanhood. She didn’t understand yet, but she’d been standing on the same rung of that very same ladder since her first shower with Jayne some eighteen months earlier.

  The same thoughts struck Sally-Anne at the same time. She’d been waiting for this day. She knew she could have some fun now. Lucy was confident, she was a woman and men wanted her, grown men, not boys like most of them at school. Well they were never going to get her, but they could at least try, and then they’d have some fun, her and Lucy. Really do some damage to the collective male ego, and why not, it wasn’t as if they didn’t deserve it.

  That night Lucy showed Jayne how much more mature she was for having reached sixteen. She took control of their lovemaking. Jayne made her own decision that night and it had been their lovemaking and talking to Steph that had made it an easy decision to make.

  She was going to follow Lucy to London at the end of the school year. What they had together was too good. Being with Lucy was like taking a drug, a very strong very addictive drug, Jayne knew it was wrong to have a relationship with someone so young but she couldn’t help herself, she was hooked. And she also knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the withdrawal symptoms if they were ever to break up.


  The run up to her high school exams had gone well, she’d revised as if she actually needed to pass them. She already knew she didn’t need a certificate saying she’d passed so many GCSE exams, and achieved such and such grades. She’d already signed up with what was felt within the industry to be one of the best model agencies, and only weeks after her sixteenth birthday. She was already on a retainer; Stein had made sure of that, 2008 was going to be a good year for Lucy. She’d actually go on to get nine GCSE passes; mostly grade A. The future looked rosy for Lucy from whichever angle you looked at it.

  The future was looking good for Georgie Dunston too. Georgie had been head boy at school, captain of the football team and an under 17’s county cricket player. He was made of the right stuff, or at least that’s what everyone said.

  It couldn’t be denied, Georgie was a good-looking boy. He was a bit of a lad too, he fancied himself with the girls and quite rightly too so he believed. He’d had more than his fair share of success. He lost his virginity at fourteen and just continued on from there. Never a steady girlfriend in Georgie’s life, he liked to sow his oats far and wide, he was a very giving person was Georgie; he saw it as one of his best traits.

  Sowing his oats was easy for Georgie, in more than one sense; he lived on a farm, not a big farm when you think in terms of the farms say in America. One hundred acres in America is more like a hobby, not much bigger than an allotment relative to a big farm over there, but over here on such a small, over populated island it’s big enough.

  Georgie was an only child; eventually the farm would be his. That would be quite some inheritance, but Georgie would never sell, he was a farmer through and through, he had farming in his blood. A-levels next, then agricultural college, he’d then show his dad what intensive beef production was all about. He had big ideas for such a young lad, and although foot and mouth disease nearly devastated the whole of the Dunston’s farm livestock a few years ago the farm had risen from the ashes of the dead livestock. So why not have big ideas, they don’t cost any more than little ones.

  Farming wasn’t the only thing he’d had big ideas about in the summer of 2008; he’d seen Lucy Kirkpatrick as one of his, so far so young, life’s major challenges. She’d been the only girl able to make him shoot both barrels into his pants at school just by looking at him, and she been fully clothed and at least fifteen feet away from him reciting poetry at the time. To give her the benefit of his cock would be a pleasure for them both. He didn’t like to fail in life’s little challenges; it was almost alien to him. She’d have to say yes sooner or later, and when she did he’d be there, cock at the ready, eager for some action.

  What exactly was god thinking when he allowed men to reach their sexual peak some twenty or so years before women do? Georgie had his way with Susan, the neighbouring farmer’s wife, last summer when both farms had combined forces for silage making. Susan was as randy as a bitch on heat all the time but she knew when Joe was bringing in the winter Barley she wasn’t going to get any from him. Eating, sleeping and driving one piece of farm machinery or another was really all he was fit for at that time of year.

  Susan had obviously been at her prime last summer and it was her who’d made all of the running. What exactly was Georgie supposed to do? He certainly wasn’t going to turn down an offer like that. He was like most sixteen-year-old males with their lust meters set to maximum. He couldn’t have said no, even if he’d had a mind to try, which he hadn’t.

  It had happened when they’d been alone stacking the bails in one of the barns, he couldn’t even remember which barn now, both sweating with the heat of the work, both thinking that there must be something better to do on a Saturday afternoon.

  Once they’d got past the awkward preliminaries, they didn’t have long before they’d both be missed; his cock was barely able to touch the sides. This was a woman with one hell of a capacity for men. Having said that though she’d seemed happy enough, but he couldn’t help thinking how he’d have loved to have had the pleasure when she’d been his age, and a hell of a lot tighter, and maybe carrying a little less around her waist.

  The experience, enjoyable in the end, had left him disappointed, not with himself but with Susan. Surely, he thought, it just isn’t right that she should let herself go like that, like some old milker down there. She’d always had a glint in her eye for him though from then on, and Georgie tried to make sure he and Susan were never left alone, especially anywhere near a barn on a summer afternoon, if it could possibly be helped.

  Lucy had always seemed just out of reach to him. Uninterested would be the word most people would use if they saw them talking, but not Georgie. He could never believe she wasn’t interested, and that she could just keep on blanking him at every opportunity she was given.

  He was, after all, one of life’s ever-eternal
optimists, and he was sure it had been his optimism that had helped him into Suzie Johnson’s knickers the previous month. It was well known that in a poll of all year eleven boys, she was voted second best looking girl in the entire school, teachers included. How many people could say they’d had the second best looking girl in the entire school? Chalk one up for Georgie boy. But Georgie boy might have been disappointed to find out that Suzie Johnson had a track record that made him look like a monk in comparison. There were more than a few boys who could say they’d had Suzie Johnson. Now he wanted to do the poll winner while he still could, and who wouldn’t?

  He thought that if he could get his leg over Suzie Johnson so easily he must at least stand a fair chance with Lucy. He only wanted her body for an afternoon of fun that was all, it wasn’t like he wanted to marry her and start a family for god’s sake, just a bit of fun for them both. He knew if he could crack her they’d both enjoy it, after all that was what usually happened.

  Georgie also knew he was running out of time, He’d heard that Lucy was moving to London during the summer to be with her brother and that meant failure was looming on the horizon for him. It wasn’t that Georgie minded failure so much, it was just that it didn’t happen to him very often. Failure was just something that he thought happened to other people.

  Georgie took the opportunity that he was given after the finish of the maths exam on Friday afternoon. Walking out of the exam room, with Lucy by his side, Georgie asked what Lucy had planned for the weekend.

  “Not much really, more revision I suppose.” Lucy replied.

  “The next exam is the last one and that isn’t until Wednesday of next week,” said Georgie, “plenty time to revise, why don’t we spend tomorrow afternoon together? I can show you round the farm where I live, I know you’ve never been bothered before now but it’s going to be too hot to be cooped up inside revising all day and with you leaving soon we might not get another chance.”

  Lucy stopped to bend down and tie her shoelaces by the school entrance. Her hope was that he’d be gone when finished.

  Oh Christ, Sally-Anne, here we go again. When will this loser ever learn that no really means piss off?

  Why not humour him, Lucy? He’ll be like a dog with two dicks. If you say yes, you can always tell Jayne you’re going into town to buy her birthday present, she needn’t know.

  You’ve changed your tune all of a sudden. Thought Lucy, wouldn’t what you’re suggesting be against everything you’ve ever preached before, or believe in, he is a man after all, well nearly a man more of a boy.

  Don’t worry, Lucy. I know what his intentions are and he isn’t going to get his grubby little fingers on your merchandise. No I’m here to guard against the likes of him, what ever he wants isn’t going to happen, trust me.

  So why should we go then? Pointless exercise isn’t it? Let’s face it, Sally-Anne; I wouldn’t even like him if he were a girl.

  Come on, we could really use some entertainment at the minute. Exactly why you’re putting so much effort into these poxy exams when London awaits, whatever the outcome, is beyond me. Let’s have some fun, say yes and we can teach him that yes, in this case, really means piss off. It’s been a long time since we enjoyed ourselves, just you and me. Let’s do it Lucy. Trust me, it’ll be a giggle.

  Do you mean the same way that Terry Sandford was a giggle? You don’t need to protect me from Georgie Dunston; he’s never going to cause me any problems is he?

  Not like poor, simple, little Terry, no. But you need to put your own mark on this life; it’s your destiny, our destiny. If this guy keeps pissing you off it’s time he understood the meaning of the word no. Trust me, Lucy.

  Lucy stood up again, her shoelaces firmly fastened; Georgie was still there. Nobody could ever say he wasn’t persistent. A stupid bastard maybe, full of himself obviously, but persistent most definitely. It is generally thought that persistence is a good thing in one as young as Georgie, but it can also be bad, very bad, especially if the persistence comes with a lack of regard for the very real dangers that exist in Sally-Anne’s world.

  “So come on Lucy. What’s your answer? You won’t get too many offers like this when you’re in London.” Georgie said.

  What he actually meant was that there aren’t too many farms in London. Lucy thought he’d meant something else completely. “Up himself.” just wasn’t strong enough to describe Georgie Dunston. That made for an easy decision, she wasn’t going to be patronised by a little prick like him. She had no hesitation in accepting his offer; she and Sally-Anne were going to have some fun on the farm tomorrow.

  This guy is a total prick, Sally-Anne. He’s completely up his own arse. You’re right; I could just handle some fun just now, a day off exam revision is exactly what I need.

  I’m very rarely wrong, Lucy. I’ve never let you down before, and I don’t intend to start now. Just concentrate on that feeling, Lucy. Let it grow.

  Sally-Anne had been right; a dog with two dicks had been a very apt description. It seemed like he just couldn’t keep still. His only thoughts seemed to be about which one of the two dicks he was going to take his pleasure with first.

  Georgie Peorgie pudding and pie,

  Kissed the girls and made them cry.

  When the girls come out to play,

  It’s Georgie who should run away!


  The walk to Dunston’s farm took about fifteen minutes from Jayne’s flat. Georgie had been right; the weather really was too good for her to be cooped up inside all day revising. She heaved her bag over her shoulder and walked onwards, with a spring in her step and a smile on her face.

  When Lucy arrived at the farm it was a very impressive farmhouse, more like a manor house looking at the size of it. Georgie was very excited. He’d looked like he was going to wet himself he was so happy to see her. He couldn’t wait to tell her that she’d just missed the two farm hands, they’d just finished for the day and weren’t due back until nine the following morning to help feed the cattle and take delivery of a load of feed pellets. His second piece of news was even better, he said, his mum and dad were in Northumberland for the weekend at an agricultural show and wouldn’t be back until the Sunday evening.

  He really was like a dog with two dicks; he’d been given the run of the place for the first time ever. He was at home on his own, with no parents to stop him doing whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted. Add to that the fact that Lucy Kirkpatrick had just shown up with a smile on her face and he was most definitely in blood pumping, erection inducing, teenage heaven. Georgie’s intentions were obvious even to a blind man; it took all the willpower he could muster to stop himself from jumping her bones right there and then. Why rush he thought? He had time, lots of it. There was no need to rush what was going to be the best afternoon of his life, and Lucy’s. That was Georgie’s view of the situation anyway.

  Georgie couldn’t help thinking that Lucy was like a fly, a very beautiful fly it had to be said, and he was a spider, and how lucky can a spider be? She’d just landed on his web and was powerless to escape. He wasn’t to know, however, that he was playing the part of the fly and it was Sally-Anne playing the part of the spider.

  What Lucy was teasing him with would have had most grown men on their knees, let alone a seventeen-year-old. A young lad who’d been trying to get into this position for the last two years and who was now, as far as he could tell, within sight of the finishing line for completing yet another one of his life’s personal challenges.

  Run, Georgie boy, run. Like the sad loser you really are. Oh no, my fault, I forgot, you can’t actually hear me can you, Georgie boy? You can’t even see me can you, Georgie boy? Well never mind. That’s just got to be a real pisser hasn’t it, Georgie boy?

  “Well, Georgie. Are you going to show me around this farm before we start? Before we get on with the real reason we’re both here today.” Lucy said.

  Georgie felt the blood start to flow, ‘before we start’, she was obviously
thinking along the same lines as he was, ‘the real reason we’re both here today’, straight to the point, what a girl! She was going to be even easier than Suzie Johnson was, and she’d been all over him in no time at all.

  “Only I’ve brought my biology books to revise from,” said Lucy, “when you said it was going to be too hot to be cooped up all day revising you were spot on, it’s lovely out here though. I thought we could revise outside in the sun on such a nice day. We don’t want to miss out do we? What is it they say in America? Oh yeah, we can be study buddies.”

  Jesus Christ, Georgie thought, this wasn’t going to be as easy as she’d first given him the impression it would be. She obviously couldn’t read the situation for what it was. No wonder he’d got a blank for the past two years, he was thinking to himself, she must keep her knickers in the freezer compartment overnight. Still, there’s plenty of time yet, ever the optimist.

  “No we shouldn’t miss out, Lucy, not at all. Come on I’ll show you around, before we get down to it.” Georgie said, biology revision being the last thing he wanted to get down to.

  Did you see his face? I didn’t think it was possible to actually see that much dejection on only the one face. You’re good, Lucy. You’re very good.

  He makes it very easy though. What a loser! Does he think I’m just going to lie down for him?

  “Come on, study buddy. We don’t want to waste too much time do we,” Lucy said, “lots to do, especially with biology. There’s a lot of biology I haven’t got a clue about yet.”

  Yeah, thought Georgie, that’s just become much less of a surprise to me than you could guess. He was still an eternal optimist though; he could give her a practical biology lesson later he thought, concentrating on the male and female organs of reproduction and how they function together. That was if she still insisted on revising for exams.