I’ll tell you no lies Read online

Page 7

  “I’d planned on having her visit more often anyway, now that I’m getting more settled in London and things seem to be getting back to normal again in Manchester after dad…”

  “Yes, good, splendid, you must tell her the good news at the show tomorrow. You’ll be able to see what I mean about her looks there, just watch, I won’t be the only one singing her praises, mark my words dear boy, the juices will flow when they see Lucy, just you wait and see if they don’t.”

  In the afternoon John and Lucy went to Cardinal Place. He could have just shown up on the day but that wasn’t John’s style, or Stein’s. He wanted to get the feel of the place, soak up the atmosphere, see the models on the catwalk, and check out the lighting. It was also a special treat for Lucy, Stein had worked his magic yet again and a pre-show pass for Lucy was waiting on the front desk.

  Lucy couldn’t believe it; here she was with her big brother in a totally foreign world in which he was completely at his ease. She thought her pride in him couldn’t get any stronger, that was until Naomi Campbell came over kissed him on his cheek and said Hi. Naomi knew he was going to be a future hot property, she’d heard it from Stein.

  My god, Lucy, just take a look at that pretty black ass. And look at those legs, have you ever seen legs so. . . wow they just keep on going. I love it here, and that brother of yours, he’s a dark horse and no mistake.

  “John. Was that really Naomi Campbell who just kissed you?” asked Lucy.

  “Don’t tell me you have to ask that. Said John, Any way, it was nothing more than a peck on the cheek, it happens all the time.” John replied with a smile on his face. “Handshakes would be so out of place in this business. She’ll probably not even recognise me in a week, she only knows me now because Stein introduced us a couple of days ago. He told her I had his full seal of approval, apparently she’s very fussy, Stein should know; he’s probably photographed her more than anyone else has. But let’s face it, Lucy, when you get to be as good as she is you can afford to be fussy.”

  I bet she could have any of the women here. With a body like that she could take her pick.

  Sorry, Sally-Anne, but if you read the gossip columns you’d see her preference is definitely for men not women.

  You know you didn’t have to say that. Let me have my fantasy at least. That pretty tight black ass and a face to die for.

  No point raising your hopes up, She’s well off the scale as far as you’re concerned.

  Hey, I’m only temporarily disappointed; you heard what Stein said to John. If he’s right, and let’s face it he should know, you, or should I say we, will soon have our own pick of what’s on offer, black, white, yellow, female even male if you must.

  Shortly after the Naomi Campbell experience Steph Wilkins came looking for John, she was wearing what Lucy would describe later to her mum as a see through knee length body stocking, split down the front to her navel, backless with a red bow at the base of her spine. This time the peck on the cheek was a lingering kiss on the mouth, and when she finished she turned to Lucy and hugged her.

  “You must be Lucy. John’s told me so much about you. We can have a good chat later after the run through.”

  Steph turned back to John, “Got to get back, hectic back stage. See you later, John. See you later Lucy.” With that Steph turned and walked away, admiring glances following her all the way backstage.

  Thank you John I think I love you. Next time she does that Lucy your body is mine and I’m not even asking for permission.

  Lucy couldn’t believe it. Here she was at the rehearsals with her big brother, who, as far as she was concerned couldn’t only walk on water, he could levitate six inches above it, when Steph Wilkins comes over and hugs her.

  “Lucy, that was Steph, she was in a bit of a hurry, apparently” Said John.

  “I know who that was, John. Show me someone who doesn’t. But how come she knows me?” replied Lucy.

  “I was saving it as a surprise, I’m still pinching myself actually, I’m moving in with her next week,” said John, “we’re going to be living together as of Sunday.”

  “You and Stephanie Wilkins! Living together?” Lucy’s mouth was hanging open and John had to put his finger under her chin to help her shut it.

  “She prefers to be called Steph, but yes, me and Stephanie Wilkins.”

  “My God, you’re going to be living with her.” Lucy could barely hold in her excitement.

  “Yeah, scary isn’t it, we met in January and really hit it off. Things have been moving really quickly here, we only decided last week about living together, what do you think mum will say?” said John

  “Wow, you and Stephanie Wilkins living together. Totally mind-blowing.”

  “Yeah, but what about mum?”

  “No problem she’ll love her. After all, didn’t she come second in the, ‘woman men most want to take home to meet their mother poll’, recently?”

  “You mean she didn’t come first, oh no what’s mum going to say.” John said laughing and really enjoying the time with his little sister. “Joking aside, Lucy. What do you think of her?” They were now really back in the old routine they played on when they were together.

  “She gorgeous, John. Really nice, but you should hope she wears something a bit less revealing when she meets mum for the first time.”

  “You do see some weird and wonderful creations in the name of fashion at these events,” said John, “I’m sure a lot of the designers just set out to shock, but what should I care, I’m just a guy with a camera who takes photographs for a living.” But John just couldn’t help grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  Yeah yeah great, she’s straight, just my luck, and spoken for anyway. There must be some models around here that prefer the taste of female flesh. But Lucy, did you see those nipples? What a complete waste.

  I don’t think her nipples will be wasted on my brother, Sally-Anne. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion in a woman, or a man.

  Ha. Ha, Ha, you’re just so funny. You crack me up. I’m pleased for him really, they make a great looking couple...And I bet she shags like a bunny on a mission to repopulate the world.

  Later, when her days work was done, Steph joined the two of them for a drink. Lucy had excitedly rung her mum and told her she was going to be back a bit late but asked if it was okay if John brought a friend for dinner. Marie was looking forward to it, she was so relaxed he could have invited the Queen mother to dine with them and it wouldn’t have bothered her in the slightest.

  Dressed in jeans and a baggy sweatshirt with all her make-up removed Steph could just about blend in with the masses with a little bit of effort. This was Steph’s preferred code of dress, fashion models get to wear some spectacular clothes but nothing is ever just comfortable. Lucy could see the recognition on the faces of some of the other people in the bar when they looked Steph’s way. People couldn’t help themselves, nudging the people they were with and whispering in their ears that they were sure that was Stephanie Wilkins sat at the table in the corner. Lucy was in dream-land; any fourteen year old would have been, as far as she was concerned this is what life should be like.

  “So what’s he like as a big brother, Lucy? Please don’t tell me he’s fantastic as a brother but a real horror to live with.” said Steph

  “ Well… he’s a fantastic brother…” replied Lucy.

  “And I’m a real joy to live with I think you were just about to say weren’t you, Lucy?” added John

  “Only if you insist. But there was that time…” Just then John reached over playfully to cover Lucy’s mouth with his hand.

  “A sense of humour as well as superstar looks. She’ll go far John. Stein wasn’t wrong.” said Steph.

  “What’s it like being so famous, Steph?” asked Lucy, “People keep looking over at us and whispering.”

  “It’s great to begin with, but it can get to be a bit much at times, you just learn to ignore it. Men try to chat you up all the time though, if they feel adventurous enough,
which usually means they’re drunk. It wouldn’t be so bad but you should see the state of some of them. The really nice ones don’t need to try very hard.” Steph said looking over at John.

  Ask her about women, Lucy!

  “I bet it’s not only men though, do you get women chatting you up aswell?” asked Lucy.

  John looked over at Lucy with a puzzled expression on his face as if to say, ‘did you really ask that then, Lucy?’

  “All the time, the fashion industry is like a magnet for weirdoes and all their mates, and most of the male models are gay. There’s a lot of jealousy and bitchiness too, which you just have to turn a blind eye to.” replied Steph, “Looking at you, Lucy, I’d say you’ve got a good chance of finding all this out for yourself one day.”


  “But not just yet” Marie said to Lucy. “Plenty time for that, if it’s what you want to do.”

  “Oh I want it, mum. Who wouldn’t?”

  Correct answer, Lucy. That is exactly what we want.

  Dinner that evening was a very pleasant affair. Marie had been very surprised when Stephanie Wilkins had come walking into the hotel, arm in arm with Lucy, and at first she appeared a little flustered. Steph put her at her ease very quickly, demonstrating that she was only a normal human being, just like anyone else; she was not someone to be feared. Steph had mastered this at an early stage of her fame and found it paid dividends not to act like a prima donna. She was highly respected inside and outside of the fashion world for her attitude and easy going nature, unlike some of the little bitches these days that see themselves above everyone and everything.

  John did however nearly choke on a mouthful of food when Lucy blurted out that he and Steph were going to be living together from next week. It ended with all four of them laughing out loud about Lucy’s eagerness to say something in her state of excitement.

  Marie couldn’t have felt much happier than she did that evening. Her son was making a name for himself as a photographer, he’d met Steph Wilkins the famous supermodel and it appeared their relationship was going from strength to strength, and her daughter seemed really happy for the first time in years. Oh, and she couldn’t forget the sex, she was more excited about that than she had been when she was an eighteen year old about to lose her virginity on the back seat of an Austin A40, after a day trip to Oxford.

  The next day was magical. Lucy got the full on experience of the world of a supermodel. The lights, the music, the tempo of the show; the audience’s appreciation for the spectacle totally blew her mind.

  At that moment Lucy knew where she wanted her future to be. She was loving every minute of it. Everything was so alive, so vibrant she wanted to be a part of it. She hardly noticed John for the whole of the show, the catwalk captivated her, each time Steph appeared she felt like jumping up and waving to her, but she just stopped herself short and felt a little embarrassed at how foolish she would have looked. Sally-Anne wasn’t being any help either, she was just as hyped up by the whole event as Lucy, she’d never seen so much beauty concentrated into one area. She was high on it. Lucy’s mind was on overload and within it was another mind, also on overload.

  There was no escaping the fact that Lucy liked Steph, liked her a lot, and it was obvious from their body language that John and Steph had become very close in the short time they’d known each other. Steph liked Lucy also; she’d felt a bond developing in the two days she’d known her and she felt good about it. Steph had no brothers or sisters of her own and felt she’d missed out because of it. Looking at how John and Lucy were so comfortable in each other’s company made her feel like she wanted to be a part of that whole family thing that was going on between them. She was falling in love with John and she felt it wouldn’t take much for her to love his little sister too.

  Stein had mentioned the stir that Lucy would cause at the fashion show and he wasn’t wrong. The modelling world is always on the look out for the next generation of young talent, the stars of the future; the people with the potential to earn their agencies the top fees available. Where better to spot that talent than at a fashion show, it shows a young person’s willingness to be part of their world, to embrace a particular lifestyle from an early age.

  Lucy was approached by three agencies on the day, each one telling her and her and her mum that Lucy had great potential within the industry if she was interested in pursuing it further. Because of her age they suggested they keep in touch and wanted to see updated photographs every six months or so in order that they could keep an eye on her physical development and then they could talk further in about eighteen months if both parties were still interested. The modelling industry had attracted some bad press in the past few years regarding under age sex and drug abuse which they were keen to stamp out, so very young models were not being thrust into the adult modelling world too early.

  Lucy couldn’t believe how her life had suddenly changed. In the space of a week she’d met several of the country’s top models, had seen a world which excited her like nothing else ever had and been told that she most probably could be part of that same world herself in the future. She’d had a great time with her mum, seen her brother looking as happy as she’d seen him in a long time and also met his new girlfriend, a famous supermodel in her own right. Not a bad week, all things considered.


  Seventeen was how old Jayne Parkinson had been when she finally understood her sexuality; it had been a pivotal point in her life. That had been six years earlier. She’d been on so-called dates with lots of boys in the three years previous to that, quite often enjoying herself in their company. But she always felt that there must be something better, as if she was missing out on something she hadn’t yet discovered, a missing link. She thought that maybe she’d find it later on in her life, when the boys became men and matured into something that she could appreciate more and would appreciate her more.

  She discovered what it was she’d been missing out on during a school skiing trip to France. It was during this trip that one of the young instructors, a French girl, not much older than Jayne had been herself at the time, taught her how to give and receive pleasure from the close physical contact of another woman. She didn’t do a half-bad job of teaching her how to ski also; Jayne had been a quick learner.

  She’d learnt a lot from Claudine during those two weeks and she still kept in touch with her, always skiing the slopes where Claudine was instructing when she returned each year for her winter skiing holiday in France. Claudine had been a good instructor, both in and out of bed, and they still maintained a close bond of friendship, a bond which only two women who have known each other physically could possibly share together.

  The start of a new school term after a two-week holiday was always the hardest, and the start of the summer term for Jayne had been no exception. At twenty-three she was in only her second year out of college and finding life as a PE teacher a demanding but also a very enjoyable challenge.

  At only five feet two inches tall Jayne was quite short, but she could hold her own at most sports. Hockey was her first sporting love and the main reason she’d been offered such a good teaching post with her very limited teaching experience. She’d been a very good Lancashire county schools hockey player since the age of fourteen, making captain when she reached under-eighteen level. She was now on the fringes of the full England squad and pushing hard for her chance to represent her country. The school was keen to have a possible future sporting heroine in their midst.

  She’d had relationships with girls from the hockey club after she’d discovered her preference for the female form, but none of them could come close to Claudine in that sense, they tended to be too well built for her taste. She preferred the slim, toned form, which was becoming more of a rarity since she finished her sports science degree course. There had been lots of women who could satisfy Jayne’ tastes at university.

  Being so short had never held Jayne back in life, she was instantly recognisable in a crowded
room, and her long flowing red locks instantly drew the eye. Her pretty face, pale complexion and hazel eyes made the eye stay for longer than they would have on any of the plain girls in the same room. She was one of the red heads who had been gifted at birth with the looks that complement the hair colour, a face unblemished by a single freckle. Only too often, or so it seems, a lot of women blessed with red hair had not been blessed with the good looks and skin to go with it. Jayne was one of those rare exceptions where everything had come together so well you just had to stand and admire.

  Easter marked the end of the school hockey calendar and in the summer term the girls would be concentrating mainly on athletics, with some tennis thrown in for good measure. Athletics was her second area of sporting prowess.

  Lucy was also a good athlete, her long legs and slim frame meant she was good at the jumping events and many of the longer distance running events. She couldn’t throw to save her life, but then she didn’t exactly have the physique that was typical of a lady shot-putter. Lucy was just happy to run and jump; the well-built Miss Piggys of the world could keep the throwing events for themselves. Jayne had a soft spot for Lucy; she had good potential as an athlete, and she also fit her idea of what all young women should look like, in an ideal world.

  Jayne would often catch herself daydreaming at this time of year; the sexual stimuli that her body responded to so well were so much more in evidence as the weather improved after Easter into summer. Outer layers of clothing would be discarded allowing a clearer view of the potential that lay beneath to those who chose to notice. Lucy had often been the subject of many of Jayne’s daydreams of late.