I’ll tell you no lies Read online

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  Jayne was aware that Lucy hadn’t been the happiest girl in school; she’d seen that last year when she took up the position at the school. Losing her father last Christmas to an apparent suicide couldn’t have helped. She’d seemed like she needed a friend and Jayne Parkinson had given her more of her time than she’d given to any other pupil since Christmas, she felt that Lucy’s circumstances had warranted the extra effort on her part. Of course she would have felt inclined to feel the same about any of the girls she took for lessons if the same circumstances had befallen them, but she probably wouldn’t have found herself daydreaming about many, if any, of the other girls she taught.

  Five weeks into the summer term was when it happened. Sally-Anne finally persuaded Lucy to give her free reign of the ‘vehicle’, as she called it, that was Lucy’s body, and Lucy allowed herself to be taken on a journey.

  Tuesday was athletics training after school; the track had been marked out at the start of term and the long jump pit filled with fresh sand. The only problem with this particular Tuesday was the weather, it had been raining for the past two days and only five of her girls had turned up for what was meant to be a conditioning session on the track. Having looked at the state of the track Jayne suggested a cross-country run was more appropriate. After a few playful moans about having to run a cross-country the girls set off dutifully, with Jayne bringing up the rear.

  There were no stragglers on this run; these girls formed half of the year nine girls’ athletics team. Jayne was competitive and she expected her girls to be competitive too, especially with the inter-schools athletic meeting coming up in two weeks time. As was usual on cross-country Sally-Anne in the guise of Lucy ran ahead of the rest, her long legs not having to work as hard as the others did to cover the same ground. When they reached the turning point to head back Sally-Anne tripped over a tree root, falling and seemingly spraining a calf muscle.

  It was Jayne's decision that the other four girls should run on and complete the course, showering and changing while she helped Sally-Anne hobble back the rest of the way. She could stand on it so the damage wasn’t too bad. With Lucy’s arm over Jayne’s shoulder for support and Jayne’s arm around Lucy’s waist they made their way back to school along the public footpaths they’d used for the run.

  Thirty minutes later they reached the girls changing rooms just in time to see the last two of the other girls heading for their parents cars or the bus stop. Lucy’s leg had apparently improved greatly when they got back to school and she could walk much more freely unaided. Still it was Jayne’s decision that she should see if there was any noticeable damage. Physiotherapy had been an enjoyable part of her sports sciences course and she was hardly ever given the opportunity to use it these days.

  In Jayne’s office, her inner sanctum, where students were very rarely allowed, she sat Lucy down and started to examine her leg.

  Sally-Anne, what’s happening here? My calf muscle feels fine there’s nothing wrong with it is there? It doesn’t feel sore. You tripped up on purpose.

  I know that, you know that, but Miss Parkinson doesn’t know that. And I’ve had a feeling about her for a while now, she’s one of the prettiest teachers in school and I think she’s got a very soft spot for us. It’s my intention to get my hands on that very soft spot if I can, and if I can get my hands on hers I’ll let her get her hands on yours.

  Jayne looked into Lucy’s eyes, “The sooner this is worked on the sooner it’ll get better. Will your mum be waiting for you on the car park?”

  “No she goes out on Tuesday evening with some of her girlfriends from college for a drink.” replied Lucy. “They meet in town after the others have finished work.” The bit about meeting some girls for a drink was a lie that Marie had told Lucy several times, she was actually meeting Simon after he finished work, and having a drink wasn’t top of the agenda either. “She leaves me my dinner to warm up in the microwave and I’m mature enough now to look after myself, and legally I’m old enough to be left on my own. I couldn’t deny her an evening out after the year she’s just had.” said Sally-Anne; working hard herself on Jayne’s sympathy nerve.

  “No of course not, it must be hard for you and your mum after what happened at Christmas.” Jayne said.

  “We seem to be getting by okay now.”

  “I think you’re very brave, both of you.” Jayne could feel her heart going out to this girl who had suffered so much over the past six months and she could also feel other emotions began to stir from deep within. She’d felt her nipples begin to stiffen as soon as she shut her office door, but now a heat was gathering between her legs. She knew it was wrong to feel that way about a pupil, any pupil, but she couldn’t help herself. She’d tried to convince herself that Lucy was only fourteen years old; still only a child in the eyes of the law. She just didn’t look like a child though, and she didn’t act like one either. She had seemed to grow in confidence since the Easter break and Jayne’s emotions were now being tested to their limits.

  “I could work on your leg then, Lucy,” said Jayne, “if you’re not in any hurry. Then I could drop you off at home to save you having to catch the bus.”

  “That sounds great. Thanks Miss,” replied Lucy.

  “You can call me Jayne if you like when we’re alone. I don’t let many pupils use my Christian name, in fact you’d be the only one, but I like you Lucy. You can call me Jayne in private. I know all about what you’ve been through lately and it must have taken a lot of courage to go through all that and come out on the other side relatively unscathed. I admire anyone who can do that. But don’t forget though Lucy, when were not alone its Miss Parkinson as normal okay?”

  With that a tear fell onto Lucy’s cheek, Jayne was mortified, she thought she must have over-stepped some invisible boundary which had been too much for Lucy to handle. She got to her feet apologising for hurting her. When she looked at Lucy’s face again she was weeping, the tears were real, Lucy hadn’t been treated like this by anyone since she moved to Manchester, and at that point she felt a genuine love for Miss Jayne Parkinson her PE teacher. Sally-Anne may well have been in control of the body but these were Lucy’s tears falling from her eyes.

  Jayne’s emotions were also jumping off the walls. She took Lucy in her arms to comfort her, all thoughts of Lucy’s injured leg now gone. It wasn’t Lucy’s leg that needed her attention anymore. Reaching up she kissed Lucy’s cheek gently in a motherly way, to calm her down, but was shocked at the charge that leapt through her whole body. Here she was a twenty three year old teacher in school with her favourite fourteen-year-old pupil and all she wanted to do was take her home to bed, comfort her, love her, and make the world a better place for her. When Sally-Anne responded by kissing Jayne gently on the lips any thoughts of impropriety were vanquished.

  They kissed for some time, and they explored each other, taking their time, feeling totally at ease with what was happening. Nothing about it felt wrong, it just seemed like the natural thing to be doing for two people who felt the way they did about each other. There was no animal passion that first time; no tearing clothes off to get at their prey. It was strictly a case of them gently introducing themselves to each other. When they were satisfied that they knew so much more about each other than they strictly should have they showered together, gently dried each other off and got dressed as if they’d been lovers for many years, it felt so right. They left in Jayne’s car.

  Each of them was aware that something had just happened that shouldn’t have happened, not in the eyes of the law anyway, or in the eyes of most God-fearing Christians. But it most certainly had been meant to happen, they were both sure of that. Neither of them would ever forget that first time, it would change both their lives for the better from that point on, both felt sure that was the case, or it should be said, all three of them were sure.

  Mmmm, thanks, Lucy. That was just divine. I think I’m in heaven. The red rose of Lancashire, her tight little rose bud was perfect.

thing about her was perfect, Sally-Anne. She really is beautiful naked. I have to admit it; you’ve probably converted me to the delights of the female flesh before I’ve even tasted what a man has to offer. She knew exactly what to do. It was like she could read my mind. She knew exactly where to touch, where I wanted to be touched, where we wanted to be touched.

  Oh yes, she’s done that lots of times before, Lucy. She was good. And now we’ve found her we should keep her to ourselves for a while, enjoy ourselves, all three of us. We can have so much fun. I get the feeling she feels the same way about us.

  I hope so. I think I could quite easily fall in love with her.

  She already loves you; I could feel it in her touch, so gentle, so sincere. You’ll never get a man to understand that, they just fumble about as if they’re playing with a new toy and haven’t bothered reading the rules of the game. All they want is sex, they don’t understand how to give pleasure, they just want to receive it. They’re all selfish in that sense.

  There was no way Lucy was going to be able to argue the point about men with Sally-Anne; she’d had no previous experience of men except her dad and her brother and thankfully neither of those relationships had included having sex in any manner.

  She’d thought her dad had been a selfish bastard for some time before he died, and he even died like the selfish bastard that he was. John wasn’t like that though; he was thoughtful, kind and considerate. He and Steph were going from strength to strength; the perfect couple; and he loved Lucy too.

  Marie and Simon were also becoming closer, not that they could get much closer physically, it felt to Marie that they’d just about rewritten the Karma Sutra several times over. Since returning from London at Easter she’d realised, after seeing John and Steph together, that she craved more than the odd afternoon or evening of stolen passion with Simon. She was growing closer to him.

  It had been barely more than six months since David’s suicide and she didn’t want to upset Lucy and John with the rapidity at which she’d been able to move on, been able to continue her life without David. Lucy was maturing quickly into a beautiful young woman. People were saying she had a great future. John was settling down with Steph and seemingly making a great start to what everyone in the know was saying was going to be a very successful career. She didn’t want to throw everything off course, so she kept her secret lover just that, a secret. She would say something when the time was right. No need to rush when life was so good, she didn’t want to ruin what they had, what they were having, at every available opportunity. She could live with the cloak and dagger aspect of their relationship just as long as their relationship was allowed to continue, forever if needed.


  Terence Sandford, Terry to his friends, the few of them that existed, was what some people, the less cruel of our society, would describe as slow. They’d look at him with pity but they’d be wrong to pity him, he was probably happier, more fulfilled than those very same people who were looking at him through such biased, critical eyes.

  With an IQ of sixty-seven Terry could just barely be classed as retarded. He was slow, nobody would question that, but at twenty-seven years of age he was more than capable of being of some use within his community. He had a pleasant enough manner and he certainly posed no threat to anyone, he was just slow.

  He’d worked at the school for nearly a year now, sweeping the floors from half past four until seven o’clock Monday to Friday. He loved his job; it gave him a real sense of worth, and let’s face it, how many people going to work five days each week can say that these days? The government paid his wages out of the care in the community budget so the school governors were happy, and he didn’t need any supervision, so the school caretakers and cleaning staff were happy. Everyone was happy and the school was seen as doing its bit for a less fortunate member of society. Something looked upon kindly by those running the country.

  Terry had been particularly happy for the past three weeks. Three weeks earlier he’d caught sight of Jayne and Sally-Anne in the gym equipment storeroom, they’d been doing what all naked girls in love do when faced with a three-foot high stack of gym mats in the corner of the room. They were having some fun on them. Terry shouldn’t have been there then and he shouldn’t be there now.

  He’d borrowed the key to the gym because he sometimes liked to see how long he could hang from the wall bars before falling off; his record was four minutes thirteen seconds. So he’d forgotten all about wall bars three weeks earlier and found himself this Wednesday evening furtively peeking through the glass of the fire door into the equipment store. His penis was clutched in his right hand and he was rubbing himself off as if his very existence depended on it.

  He’d never done this before, never even seen a woman naked before, but over the past three weeks some dormant emotion, a yearning, had been awakened in him. He certainly wasn’t prepared for his first orgasm and when it came he couldn’t help himself, the moan of pleasure wasn’t loud, but it stopped Jayne, Sally-Anne and Lucy dead in their tracks.

  “Did you hear something, Jayne?” said Lucy.

  All thoughts of a blissful release had vanished in that instant. Jayne had never considered that someone might some day catch them at their sordid little tryst. The gym was strictly off limits to everyone after five o’clock who didn’t have Jayne’s permission to be there. The cleaning staff’s first priority was the gym and they were usually gone well before five o’clock, leaving the place empty and ‘safe’.

  “I thought I heard something,” was Jayne’s reply, “but it could have just been the wind, Oh God, please let it be the wind.”

  “That didn’t sound like the wind to me. I think there must be someone out there.”

  Lucy got to her feet, slipped on her blouse, and crept to the door just in time to see Terry making his way through the door at the far end of the gym.

  Let’s say nothing, Lucy. Jayne will just worry and it’s only the little retard, he’s not going to say anything to anyone. I think the stupid idiot was probably only playing with himself anyway and he shouldn’t have even been here. Let’s not be too hasty.

  “I can’t see anything. You must be right it’s been windy all day. But maybe we should just get dressed and go, I feel a bit spooked; what about you?” said Lucy looking over at Jayne.

  “I’m fine, I’m sure it was nothing but it’s probably best if we get dressed like you say.” Jayne replied

  Jayne had practically shit herself for a moment there. She’d thought they were safe in the storeroom, now she’d have to think again about where and when they could meet. She didn’t mention this to Lucy, she didn’t want her to panic, or have any second thoughts about the rights or wrongs of what they were doing.

  The next week Terry sneaked into the gym for his weekly peep show but was disappointed to find the place completely empty, no one about. This was a big blow; he’d been looking forward to this the whole week. There was nothing else for it, he grasped the wall bars and timed himself with the wall clock, five minutes dead, a new record.

  He’d decided that without the floor show he’d just have to play with himself later when he got home and hope that his mum didn’t catch him like she had two nights before. He picked up his brush and headed off to the canteen where he’d been told the floor needed a good sweeping. He enjoyed doing the canteen floor, sometimes the dinner ladies would leave him some cake and milk as a treat and he made sure the floor sparkled.

  Lucy had been having real problems ever since the evening when Terry had discovered her and Jayne together naked. Sally-Anne had very clear opinions about what needed to be done with Terry, but Lucy was having some difficulty coming to terms with what she was suggesting.

  All I’m saying Lucy, is that the little retard has the power to stop us ever seeing Jayne again. You’ll be expelled from school in disgrace, and Jayne will be sacked in an instant. Her hockey career will be finished just as she’s getting there and that’s not to say anything about the fact tha
t you’re not sixteen yet! She’ll be ruined. She’ll never get another job. She’ll be branded a paedophile; we can’t let that happen.

  You said yourself though, Sally-Anne, he’s retarded; he isn’t going to say anything is he?

  He’s not the sort of person I’d trust to keep it to himself though; he’s hardly playing with a full deck is he? He’s not the sharpest tool in the toolbox, Lucy.

  Maybe not but he hasn’t said anything so far, why should that change?

  He’s a man, Lucy. Not much of one I’ll grant you that but he’s still got a penis. He’ll shout it from the rooftops some day soon, we can’t let him, you must realise that. I really don’t need your agreement, Lucy. I just thought you were ready to face up to what we’ve got to do. You’ve got to trust me Lucy, when have I ever been wrong before. Guardian angel, remember? Protecting you, that’s what I do, the reason I exist, what’s changed there.

  Nothing’s changed.


  I don’t want to lose Jayne, you know that.

  Just trust me, Lucy. You do trust me don’t you?

  Yes I do.

  The following Wednesday Sally-Anne went directly to the gym at four o’clock, after Lucy’s French lesson, and settled down in a corner. She’d been hidden from view until the gym and the changing rooms had been cleaned and the place was empty. Strictly speaking Sally-Anne was in control but Lucy was fully switched on, she’d agreed that she wanted to be part of whatever was going to happen, Sally-Anne could be very persuasive. She sat back and waited, hoping that Terry would turn up again to get an eyeful of what he’d seen two weeks earlier, it could mean a two hour wait but she was prepared for that, after all it wasn’t like she was going to be lonely.